Dan Marburger MVP Advocacy Awards

About the Dan Marburger Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Advocacy Awards
Dan Marburger was the Principal at Perry High School who tragically lost his life from gun violence in January of 2024. Dan was a champion of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Strategies program. He epitomized MVP values through his convictions, words, and also in his actions. We are deeply saddened by his loss and want to honor his tremendous legacy to the MVP program through the creation of an award in his name. The Dan Marburger MVP Advocacy Awards will be given annually starting in fall 2024 to an MVP individual and team in Iowa who exemplify the same unwavering passion for violence prevention as Dan.
Eligibility for Consideration
The award recognizes an MVP team and individual whose advocacy of the Mentors in Violence Prevention program has had a positive effect in their community. Nominees can be current or past MVP advisors, school counselors, teachers, principals, superintendents or school board members, that have advocated or provided opportunities for a school community to effectively implement MVP.
Nomination and Recognition Process
The nominee will be selected by a committee through the Patricia A Tomson Center for Violence Prevention (PATCVP) at University of Northern Iowa. Nominees will receive an immediate notification via email and will be asked to attend a recognition ceremony in the spring semester to be honored and awarded publicly. The nominee will be asked to provide a short bio to be featured in newsletters, annual reports, social media outlets and other marketing publications through PATCVP.
Our 2024-25 Dan Marburger MVP Advocacy Awards recipients have been chosen!
We want to congratulate these tremendous champions for their work in creating safe school climates for their students.

Jenny Wagner will receive the first-ever individual Dan Marburger MVP Advocacy award. As the special education ELA teacher at Kennedy High School in Cedar Rapids, Wagner has been leading MVP since it started in 2017.
Our 2024-25 Dan Marburger MVP Advocacy Awards recipients have been chosen!
We want to congratulate these tremendous champions for their work in creating safe school climates for their students.

The Perry High School MVP advisory team will receive the inaugural team award. With leadership from Christine Krohn, AP English teacher and at-risk coordinator, school counselor Tami Valline and special education teacher Allisa Bahney, the group has been implementing the program since 2020.
Our 2024-25 Dan Marburger MVP Advocacy Awards recipients have been chosen!
We want to congratulate these tremendous champions for their work in creating safe school climates for their students.

The Perry High School MVP advisory team will receive the inaugural team award. With leadership from Christine Krohn, AP English teacher and at-risk coordinator, school counselor Tami Valline and special education teacher Allisa Bahney, the group has been implementing the program since 2020.
Our 2024-25 Dan Marburger MVP Advocacy Awards recipients have been chosen!
We want to congratulate these tremendous champions for their work in creating safe school climates for their students.

The Perry High School MVP advisory team will receive the inaugural team award. With leadership from Christine Krohn, AP English teacher and at-risk coordinator, school counselor Tami Valline and special education teacher Allisa Bahney, the group has been implementing the program since 2020.