Michael Shaw


Director of Neighborhood Health Equity at Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County

Michael Shaw

Michael Shaw


Director of Neighborhood Health Equity at Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County


Michael Shaw has been employed with the Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County (NCJC) as Director of Neighborhood Health Equity since January 2024.  They have more than 30 years of experience working with families and individuals as a Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Advocate, school-based Student and Family Advocate, Counselor, Prevention Specialist, and Administrator.

Favorite quote or book:
Shoeless Joe Jackson

Quote: Black Panther

“Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships because they knew death was better than bondage.”

Collecting ducks, comic books, and music (albums and CDs).

Special skills:
Baseball and empathy 

Areas of study:
Social Work


Advice for student mentors:
Lead with empathy.  Love and allow yourself to be loved. 

Favorite part of MVP:
Learning from young people.