Bobby Dennis

Youth and Shelter Services

Bobby Dennis

Bobby Dennis

Youth and Shelter Services


Bobby Dennis is a graduate student at Lamar University earning a M.Ed. degree in clinical mental health counseling and works as a para-professional in the Ames Community School District. Formerly, Bobby served as a sexual abuse advocate, violence prevention coordinator, and male-engagement specialist at ACCESS in Ames, Iowa. Bobby worked at ACCESS for 5 years, with 8+ year’s total experience in male-engagement work and aspires to serve individuals who are experiencing vicarious trauma and burnout. Bobby first got involved in advocacy and prevention as a sophomore at Simpson College with SARA (a campus-based sexual assault response and awareness program). Bobby’s past work includes; serving as the interim chair at the Iowa Men’s Action Network, working with Futures Without Violence in adapting their program CBIM to a fraternity-specific violence prevention program called Building Up Brothers, and hosting a weekly podcast on healthy masculinity called Men in Progress.

Favorite quote or book:
A Christmas Carol

Crocheting, writing music, cycling! 

Special skills:
I can wiggle my ears, patience. 

Areas of study:
B.A. in History, Pursuing M.Ed. in clinical mental health counseling. Studied Masculinity and the impacts of masculinity on mental health and violence against women. 

Favorite part of MVP:
My favorite part of MVP is the way that it invites people in to crucial conversations.